Vets for a Better Life
Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies
Saturday, 27 April 2024
Ratusan Ekor Ayam Kampung di Selogiri Mati
Head of Puskesmas Selogiri, Herman (second from left) demonstrates how to use masks to Jowogang, Jaten Village, Selogiri District, Wonogiri when Danger of Avian Influenza Virus in Human Socialization in Yahmin’ house, Head of RT 003/ RW 003, Thursday (06/03/2014) night (JIBI/Solopos/Trianto Hery Suryono)

Hundreds of Chickens in Selogiri Dead

Friday, 7 March 2014

This post is also available in: Indonesian, Wonogiri-Local chickens death continues to spread. This time, local chickens in Jowogang, Jaten Village and Ngepos, Nambangan Village, both of them in Selogiri District, Wonogiri dead. Death of local chickens in Jaten Village showing the result of avian influenza virus positive. Whereas chicken dead in Nambangan Village still doing investigation. Informations were complied by, Thursday and Friday (6-7/3), a total of 186 local chickens in two village already dead. Head of RT. 003/ RW. 003, Jowogang, Yahmin said a total of 86 chicken owned the resident died in continues since Monday, early this week.

Related death, Selogiri District authorities held Danger of Avian Influenza Virus to Human Socialization, Thursday night and attended Kades Jaten, Eko Adi Suranto. “The chickens died since Monday. Some chicken have been dumped into the river. Our chicken deaths already reported to the village and followed up with desinfectant spraying,” he said.

Jowogang Hamlet was bordering with Karangasem Village, Bulu District, Sukoharjo. Two hamlets were only separated by Bengawan Solo River and a few weeks previously reported in Karangasem there were chicken dead and already done spraying. “The results of data collection, there were about 125 chickens were still maintained with residents. What the solution to keep the chickens were still safe,” he said.

Official technical coordinator in Selogiri District, Agus Sarwo, asserted, caged and be vaccinated. Agus explained, the residents should wearing masks and gloves when handling chickens dead. “The results of rapid tests to chickens dead, in Jowogang Hamlet tested positive for AI virus. So chickens dead did not thrown into the river. By throwing into the river means the residents follow spreading the AI virus.”

Further Agus asked to the Jowogang Hamlet to stay alert and not allowed to sell his chicken. “Wait for three weeks. If there were no more chicken deaths mean the virus was gone and chicken can be sold again. During this alert week should the cages sprayed and harvested plants for enter the sunlight.”

Agus said, a total of 15 disinfectant bottles had been given to Jowogang Hamlet RT 003. He asked, spraying disinfectant location carried to a distance of 200 meters from the location of chicken deaths. Meanwhile, Bambang Sadriyanto, village community leaders Nambangan Village, Selogiri, said he received a complaint in Ngepos Hamlet about 100 chickens died. “Last night (Thursday night) we met Ngepos residents inform that 100 of the chickens dead. We did not yet know the cause but the story of the people that were still crowing cock afternoon but died the next morning.

Camat Selogiri, Bambang Haryanto, asserted, disposal of chicken carcasses into the river just turn off others. “Selogiri become endemic areas of AI. To that end, poultry dead immediately reported to animal health officials should not be discarded into the river. The chicken died should be buried and burned. I also asked to the residents poultry cage.”

According to him, the habit of letting poultry wandering around looking for his own place is not good. Meanwhile, Head of Puskesmas Selogiri, Hermanto, asserts two weeks a head of Jowogang Hamlet be the focus to monitoring health workers. He asked the residents to report quickly when finding people who suffer the fever. “There were effective that the AI virus was not growing, the B3K. Clean hands with soap, clean cages with disinfectant, give vaccines to poultry and poultry cage.”

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Hundreds of Chickens in Selogiri Dead

by boghen time to read: 2 min