Vets for a Better Life
Leadership is an integral part of society. In each community, leadership is necessary to attain common goals. Leadership is also demanded from veterinarians because veterinary medical authority is inherent to the profession
Rabies, a zoonotic disease, is still a threat to the people of Indonesia. Mitigation of this disease calls for active participation, not only from the government, but also the private sector, professional organizations, non-government organizations, universities, students and the public in general. This encouragement is not only sounded in Indonesia, but also worldwide, through the this year’s World Rabies Day theme “Together Against Rabies”. Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS) in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) West Java II Branch, Student Executive Body (BEM) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Bogor Agricultural University (FKH-IPB), and Indonesian Veterinary Student Association (IMAKAHI) IPB Branch carried out a series of activities in Lapangan Sempur, Bogor, on Sunday, 19 October 2014
With the end of the 2005-2008 period of CIVAS’ organizational structure and as written in the Statutes of the organization, CIVAS had held a General Assembly (RUA) on March 20 to 22, 2009 in Bogor
To obtain detailed information on risk-based surveillance systems, a workshop on “Risk-Based Surveillance for Strengthening the National Animal Health System” was held on April 1-5, 2014 at Emersia Hotel in Bandar Lampung. Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS) participated in the workshop as a participant, Drh. Erianto Nugroho, and speaker, Drh. Tri Satya Putri Naipospos, MPhill., PhD.
As an effort to raise awareness on this global issue and celebrate its 8th anniversary, the Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS) conducted a National Seminar on “The Global Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance: How Should We Act?” on Saturday, March 22, 2014, at the Auditourium of Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional, Mulia Business Park Building 1st floor, Jl. M. T. Haryono No. Kav. 58-60 Pancoran, Jakarta.
By: Nofita Nurbiyanti and Sunandar
Brucellosis is an economically-significant animal disease. It is responsible for production loss in the cattle industry and can cause disease in human. The Directorate of Animal Health has named Brucellosis a priority disease for eradication. Guidelines for Brucellosis Control and Eradication in Indonesia are needed to develop comprehensive and measurable strategies for effective and efficient implementation in the field.
In this opportunity, CIVAS got a chance to attend and participate in these seminars. Representative from CIVAS is Albertus Teguh Muljono
The purpose of the General Assembly is to discuss improvement of the organization’s statute, determine Major Program Outlines (MPO) of the organization for the next 3 year period, for a new Directive Board, and choose Executive Director Candidates
These events are also made in preparation for Eid al-Adha 1432H, where many people buy animals to be sacrificed, conduct their own slaughtering, and consume the meat and offal of the animals
The World Rabies Day (WRD) is celebrated on September 28 each year worldwide. This year, CIVAS celebrates WRD through 2 events in Bali and Jakarta
The event was attended by over 30 participants from government institutions, academicians, and private veterinarians. CIVAS also sent its representative, Riana A. Arief, DVM, whom is also a member of the association
Events held were the 16th Congress of the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association, the 11th National Veterinary Scientific Conference (KIVNAS), and the 1st Indonesia Small Animal Practitioner International Conference (KIVHIK)