CIVAS Presentation in the National Seminar on “Veterinary Innovation in Research and Industry in Response to Market Challenges”
Monday, 19 October 2015
This post is also available in: Indonesian
By: Riana A. Arief
In celebration of its 69th Anniversary, Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine held a National Seminar on “Veterinary Innovation in Research and Industry in Response to Market Challenges” on September 19, 2015 in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Auditorium. The purpose of the seminar is to build networking for research and increase interaction between research institutes, universities and the industry. The seminar was attended by more than 200 people and brought together over 50 oral presentations and 10 posters.
The seminar was opened by remarks from the Dean of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Dr. Joko Prastowo, MSi, DVM, the Director General of Livestock and Animal Health Services of the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture whom was represented by Animal Health Director, I Ketut Diarmita, MP, DVM, and Director of Planning and Development of PT Biofarma, Sugeng Raharjo, MM, DVM. Guest lectures on the One World One Health approach for infectious disease control and animal welfare content in veterinary education programs were then given by Rowland Cobbold, BVSc, PhD, MASM, and Andrew Tribe, MAgrSc, BVetSc, PhD from the University of Queensland.
Afterwards, the seminar was divided into 6 rooms for parallel presentation of papers. In this session, Ridvana Dwibawa Darmawan, DVM from CIVAS gave an oral presentation on “Baseline Data on Antibiotic Use in Layer Chicken and Pig Farms”. The baseline study is part of the first phase of CIVAS’ research project on “An Ecohealth Approach to Develop a Strategy for the Prudent Use of Antimicrobials to Control Antimicrobial Resistance in Human, Animal and Environmental Health in Indonesia”. The baseline study was conducted in 3 districts in Central Java and its results are used to develop intervention strategies for the next phase of the project. From the baseline study we conclude antibiotic use in layer chicken farms and pig farms is largely imprudent and without appropriate supervision. Additionally, majority of farmers lack veterinary services, but have easy access to antibiotics.
Active participation in various national and international scientific conferences is one of CIVAS’ programs. We always try to present the results of our studies/assessments to share knowledge and information, and increase the skills of our staff. Through this activity, hopefully we can increase the capacity and role of CIVAS in improving animal health in Indonesia.