CIVAS in IVMA’s 13th National Veterinary Scientific Conference
Sunday, 23 November 2014
This post is also available in: Indonesian
By: Nofita Nurbiyanti
On November 23-26, 2014, the 17th Indonesia Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) Congress, 13th National Veterinary Scientific Conference and 15th Indonesia Veterinarian Wives Association Congress were held in Novotel Hotel in Palembang. The overarching theme of the event was “Increasing the Quality of Animal Health Professional Services to Guarantee the Safety of Animals, People and the Environment”. IVMA hosts these events every 2 years to bring together veterinary communities in Indonesia and its partners.
The 13th National Veterinary Scientific Conference presented 14 invited speakers, 132 oral presentations, and 36 posters. Over 2,000 veterinarians and partners from government institutions, the private sector, academicians, practitioners, associations, and others attended the conference. The event was opened on November 24, 2014, by Vice Governor of South Sumatra, Ir. H. Ishak Mekki, MM. It was continued by a National Dialog facilitated by speakers from FAO ECTAD Indonesia, the Director General of Regional Autonomy, and Tri Satya Putri Naipospos, MPhil., DVM, PhD who gave a presentation on “The Role of Veterinarians in Global Food Sufficiency in Facing Challenges in Animal Health and Livestock Welfare”. The following day, Tri Satya Putri Naipospos, MPhil., DVM, PhD on behalf of the Indonesian Veterinary Epidemiology Association (AEVI) gave a presentation in the Non-Territorial Organization Plenary Session on “Veterinary Professionalism and Competence in Supporting the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) as a Single Market and Production Base”.
The scientific conference is a very important event because it stimulates knowledge transfer, discussion and information sharing. As in previous years, Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS) participated in the conference with the following 6 oral presentations:
- Characteristics and Relocation Feasibility of Poultry Slaughtering Facilities in DKI Jakarta related to Avian Influenza, presented by Erianto Nugroho, DVM.
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) related to Antibiotic Use in Swine Farms, presented by Ridvana Dwibawa Darmawan, DVM.
- The Importance of Dog Ecology Studies in Supporting Rabies Eradication in Bali, Indonesia, presented by Andri Jatikusumah, M.Sc., DVM.
- Community Engagement Program for Rabies Control in Bali with an Ecohealth Approach, presented by M.D. Winda Widyastuti, M.Si., DVM.
- Knowledge and Attitude of Bali Communities on Dog Care and Rabies Incidences, presented by Sunandar, DVM.
- Population Estimation of Free-roaming Dogs to Support Rabies Eradication in Bali, presented by Riana A. Arief, M.S., DVM.
Oral presentations were divided according to theme and conducted in parallel in separate rooms. An exhibition of veterinary tools and supplies was also set in the hallway.
On the last day, the IVMA Congress voted and elected Dr. Heru Setijanto, PAVet, DVM as the new IVMA Chairman for 2015-2018, replacing previous chairman, Wiwiek Bagja, DVM.