Vets for a Better Life
Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies
Friday, 13 September 2024

A Poultry Slaughterhouse that Meets the Required Standards and is Profitable, What is it Like?

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

This post is also available in: Indonesian

The distribution chain of poultry and poultry products in Indonesia has several critical points for Avian Influenza (AI) virus spread. One of the points is poultry slaughterhouses (PSHs). Most PSHs in Indonesia does not meet the minimum standards for a slaughterhouse. On the other hand, most people are not interested to build a slaughterhouse that meets the standards because they see it as very expensive and not profitable. Therefore Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS) in collaboration with TROBOS magazine created a public dialogue themed “A Poultry Slaughterhouse that Meets the Required Standards and is Profitable, What is it Like?” to give a solution for this issue. The dialogue was held on July 2nd, 2008, at the Jakarta Convention Center as part of the Indo Livestock Expo & Forum 2008.

This discussion presented Dr. Bayu Krisnamurthi (Komnas FBPI), drh. Edy Setiarto, MS (Provincial Livestock, Fisheries, and Marine Service Office of DKI Jakarta), Dr. drh. Denny Widaya Lukman, MSi (Academician, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University), and Ir. Nooranto (Poultry Slaughterhouse Practitioner). The discussion talked about various aspects of PSHs, starting from the government’s policy regarding PSHs, its role in controlling AI and other poultry diseases, its standards, and the business itself.

In his presentation, Dr. Bayu Krisnamurthi said that PSHs should be made according to standards, remembering that now there are many poultry slaughtering facilities made at homes which do not meet the national standards and these facilities have high risks for spreading disease. Therefore PSHs must be restructured. Regarding government policies on poultry restructure, drh. Edy Setiarto said PSHs that are according to standards is the solution for poultry restructure. Restructure of PSHs has become one of the policies made by the provincial government of DKI Jakarta to control AI virus spread in the province. The government plans to gradually relocate all poultry slaughtering facilities and slaughterhouses and by 24th April 2008 there will be only 5 locations for poultry slaughter in Jakarta.

Dr. Denny Widaya Lukman said that the poultry slaughterhouse is a critical point in production of poultry meat. If the PSH does not fulfill the minimum hygiene and sanitation requirements then there is a risk that it could produce low quality carcass/meat, contaminate the environment, and create public health issues (in densely populated areas). To create PSHs that meet the required standards, the role of the central government, local government, associations/companies, and consumers is very important.

Meanwhile, Ir. Nooranto as a PSH practitioner elaborated that the view of many people about PSHs that are according to standards is incorrect. Until now, many people think that such business needs high investment and is not profitable. Nooranto said that by business calculations, it does not need high investment, the price is competitive with carcasses made through traditional slaughter, and it is clearly profitable.

This event was attended by many participants with various backgrounds, from government, farmers, private sector, and other stakeholders. Several important points were made through the discussion. First, restructure of poultry slaughterhouses is part of the overall poultry restructure which is also part of the AI control policy. Second, a national PSH standard is needed and it should include small scale PSHs. Third, all stakeholders should participate in PSH restructure, and finally a PSH is profitable business therefore people should be encouraged to develop PSHs that are according to standards.

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A Poultry Slaughterhouse that Meets the Required Standards and is Profitable, What is it Like?

by boghen time to read: 2 min