Vets for a Better Life
On August 18, 2008, a seminar was held on Avian Influenza (AI) Field Trial Vaccination Study Report in Lido, Bogor district. The study was collaboration between the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, the Livestock Service Office of Sukabumi district, Wageningen International, and Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS). The seminar was attended by representative of […]
On August 7 – 9, 2009, the 2nd National Assembly of the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) was held at Maharaja Hotel in Jakarta
This training was collaboration between the Australian government (AusAID Australian Leadership Awards Fellowships) and the Indonesian Association of Veterinary Epidemiology (AEVI)
From May 25 until June 5, 2009, students from the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Canada, came to CIVAS through a program called Global Vets 2009
Merpati balap adalah salah satu jenis pemuliaan unggas yang telah lama menjadi bagian dari budaya kehidupan sebagian masyarakat di Indonesia, terutama di wilayah Tasikmalaya
Di tempat ini kontak tidak hanya terjadi antara ayam dengan ayam atau antara ayam dengan manusia akan tetapi juga dengan hewan lainnya yang ada di TPnA tersebut
The seminar was attended by almost 200 participants. Most participants were students from Faculties of Veterinary Medicine
The discussion was attended by almost 200 participants; most of the participants were veterinary students from the faculty. Speakers in the discussion were Dr. Drh. Surachmi Setiyaningsih, MS from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bogor Agricultural University and Dr. Drh. Darminto from the Research Institute for Veterinary Science (Bbalitvet) Bogor
The world theme for World Veterinary Day 2009 is “Veterinarians and Livestock Farmers: A Winning Partnership” while the Indonesian WVD theme is “Create a Healthy Indonesia with Veterinarians”
The objective of this procedure is for easy and quick identification of the cat from afar. That way, people could easily recognize cats that have been neutered through this program
In compliance with CIVAS’ Statute and results of the General Assembly on March 20 to 22, 2009, in Bogor, the Directive Board had assessed candidates for the new Director Executive of CIVAS
The Hand Washing Campaign was created to socialize about healthy lifestyle practices. One of the easiest practices is washing your hands with soap to minimize the risk of diseases