Training on Wild Animal Trapping by Scott Stopak 23-29 September 2010
Friday, 29 October 2010
This post is also available in: Indonesian
From September 23 to 29, 2010, a series of Training on Wild Animal Capture and Trapping was held by Scott Stopak from the Wildlife Services of the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS). Participating in the trainings were CIVAS, officers of the Livestock Service Office of Sukabumi District, officers of the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of West Java, and staff of the Gadog Animal Rescue Center (PPS Gadog).
On the first day, 23 September 2010, an introductory lecture was held in CIVAS office to discuss about various methods of trapping wild animals. Several traps introduced were the mist net, funnel trap, rocket/cannon net and net gun, noose trap, and others. Most of the methods discussed are mainly used for birds, but it could be applied for other animals as well. On the second day, 24 September 2010, CIVAS practiced setting up mist nets and string noose trap in the office’s backyard. During that session, the trainer gave tips on how to determine the location of the trap and how to set it up. Emphasize was given on pre-baiting for traps that use baits. By pre-baiting, animals are familiarized with the availability of food at the location and the presence of the trap equipment.
On September 28, 2010, a field visit to Palabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, was conducted with officers of the Livestock Service Office of Sukabumi District. During the visit, the trainer explained the importance of collecting information on the habitat, movement or fly pattern, and food source of animals targeted. Such information could be obtained from direct observation or by interviewing the local people. From that information, we can determine the most appropriate trapping method and location to achieve the highest success rate.
On September 29, 2010, a presentation and discussion on methods of animal trapping was held with officers of the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of West Java and staff of the Gadog Animal Rescue Center (PPS Gadog) at the PPS Gadog in Cisarua. Once again the trainer presented various techniques for trapping animals. There was also a discussion on conditions faced by BKSDA officers in illegal animal confiscations and methods that could be used in such situations.
Overall there are several important points in trapping animals, first, collect accurate information on the habitat and behavior of the animal, then determine the most appropriate trapping method (both for the animal to be trapped and the objective of the animal capture), and conduct pre-baiting if bait-traps are used. There is no certain method for all situations; the key is observation and innovation if the current method used is unsuccessful. (rie)