CIVAS in the 11th National Veterinary Scientific Conference in IVMA CCE 2010
Friday, 29 October 2010
This post is also available in: Indonesian
Semarang, 10-13 October 2010
From October 10 to 13, 2010, the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) held the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association Congress, Conference and Exhibition (IVMA CCE) “Environment Health: Veterinary Roles for a Better Health and a Safer World” in Gumaya Hotel, Semarang, to celebrate A Century of Veterinary in Indonesia. Events held were the 16th Congress of the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association, the 11th National Veterinary Scientific Conference (KIVNAS), and the 1st Indonesia Small Animal Practitioner International Conference (KIVHIK). The overall event was endorsed by the Governor of Central Java Bibit Waluyo and Vice Minister of Agriculture Bayu Krisnamurthi.
The 11th National Veterinary Scientific Conference brought together 21 guest speakers, 72 oral papers, and 29 posters. To start the conference, a National Dialog was conducted with speakers: the Indonesian Vice Minister of Agriculture Dr. Ir. Bayu Krisnamurthi, MSc with a presentation on “The Importance of Veterinary Authority and Challenges for Veterinarians in the National Animal Health System”, Director General of Livestock and Animal Health Services Prof. Dr. Ir. Tjeppy D. Soedjana , MSc with a presentation on “The Challenges of National Animal Health Development 2015”, Head of Animal Quarantine Center from the Agriculture Quarantine Agency Dr. Mulyanto MM with a presentation on “The Role of Agriculture Quarantine in the Development of National Health”, representative from the Directorate General of Public Administration from the Ministry of Home Affairs Dr. Mohammad Roem, MM, with a presentation on “The Veterinary Authority Institution in the Regional Autonomy Framework based on Act No. 18 Year 2009”, Chairman of Commission IV of the Indonesian Legislative Assembly Ahmad Muqoam with a presentation on “Strengthening the Legality of the Veterinary Profession in the Development of National Animal Health”, OIE Sub-Regional Representative for South East Asia Dr. Ronello Abila with a presentation on “Veterinary Legislation and Good Veterinary Governance”, and General Chairwoman of the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association Dr. Wiwiek Bagja.
Afterwards, the conference held three plenary sessions with themes: “Epidemiology and Implementation of SISKESWANNAS”, “Lesson Learned from HPAI Outbreak for a Better Animal Disease Control”, and “Welfare Society and Veterinary Education Enhancing Animal Health”; and topic-specific presentations from five guest speakers. Oral presentation of papers on Epidemiology and Veterinary Public Health, Poultry Disease, Clinic and Reproduction, Wild Animal, Microbiology, and Parasitology were held parallel in several rooms, while posters were displayed in an exhibition in the ballroom lobby.
In the 11th National Veterinary Scientific Conference, CIVAS contributed three oral papers and 2 posters. The three papers presented orally were Risk Estimation of Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Transmission in Backyard Poultry Farms implementing a Mix Farming System, Association between Farmer Knowledge and Avian Influenza Infection in Fighting Cock Farms in Labuan Subdistrict – Banten, and Study on Knowledge Level and Implementation of AI Prevention Practices by Workers of Poultry Collecting and Slaughtering Facilities in Cibinong Region – Bogor District. Studies presented in the form of posters were Detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in Passerine Birds Sold as Pets in Bogor City and Assessment of Manager Knowledge Level and Biosecurity Implementation related to Avian Influenza Virus Infection in Poultry Collecting Facilities in Depok City.
With the awarding of the Professional Association Symposium Grant from the Directorate General of Higher Education to IVMA CCE 2010, the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association is giving awards to help the publication of 48 papers from the 11th National Veterinary Scientific Conference and the 1st Indonesia Small Animal Practitioner International Conference in international, regional, and national journals. One paper from CIVAS, Risk Estimation of Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Transmission in Backyard Poultry Farms implementing a Mix Farming System, received the National Level IVMA Award and will be supported for publication in a national scientific journal in Indonesia. Dr. M. D. Winda Widyastuti as the author of the paper was invited to a Workshop on Scientific Journal Writing which aims to help awarded authors in writing their articles so it could be accepted by the targeted journal. The Workshop presented Anne Jackson, Editor in Chief of the Australia Veterinarian Journal (AVJ) and Agustin Wydia Gunawan from the Indonesian Microbiology Journal (Jurnal Mikrobiologi Indonesia/JMI). (rie)